Celebrating The Baking Coop A Sweet Community Program in New Jersey
The Baking Coop is a free program for children ages 10-16, with cerebral palsy or other challenges with movement, in a warm and inclusive environment. Based in Manalapan, NJ.
The Baking Coop is a free program for children ages 10-16, with cerebral palsy or other challenges with movement, in a warm and inclusive environment. Based in Manalapan, NJ.
The 12 Month Sweet Community Gig. Yes, kids are personally mentored by moms for one year (we appreciate our moms, who need to be paid for their time, we're using recruiting for good to fund all the fun). Kids work on creative fulfilling writing gigs to build up their confidence, discover their passion, fuel their play (creativity and imagination). Culminating in sharing their sweet experience by creating a fulfilling experience/party that is Good for Them and The Community Too!
You got to be ready to be tough on your kid...if not they will never be ready to face the realities of life; and grow up (or move out of the house).
Taylor Sheridan is an exceptional role model, by creating shows that depict what life was and is in America. Kids can learn positive values that transform their life.
Cookie Rookie landed Sweet Social Media Gig (sponsored by Recruiting for Good); she manages our Girls Design Tomorrow Instagram Account; ; whose purpose is to discover and identify inspirational women who use their talent for good and are positive role models. This month, Cookie Rookie celebrates softball rockstar and Role Model Amanda Scarborough.
Are you a talented professional, seeking to land a sweet job; submit your resume to let Recruiting for Good represent you. Complete 90 days of employment, and we'll reward you 4th of July Party for Good (sponsor $1,000 to host the best foodie party in your neighborhood).
Recruiting for Good created Discover Me for Good a creative Coming of Age Gig for 8th Grade Girls to design their love collage; memorialize what they are most passionate about.
This month, Recruiting for Good is celebrating 13 year old girl Dancer506's creative collage.